Our advantages

Більше 10 років історії школи
More than 10 years of school history
Найсучасніші методики
The most modern methods of teaching
Онлайн та офлайн уроки
Online and offline lessons
Франкомовне середовище
Francophone environment
Групи <br> до 7 осіб
Groups up to 7 people
Оплата частинами
Payment by parts

Prices for French language courses (Paid in UAH)

Модуль «Групові уроки»  французької мови
24 hours of group classes with a teacher
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10 індивідуальних уроків французської по 90 хв
10 individual lessons of 90 minutes
10 individual lessons of 90 minutes
a total of 15 hours of individual lessons with a teacher
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10 індивідуальних уроків французької мови по 60 хв
10 individual lessons of 60 minutes
10 individual lessons of 60 minutes
a total of 10 hours of individual lessons with a teacher
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10 уроків по 90 хв. у міні-групі (2 студенти)
10 lessons of 90 minutes, a mini-group (2 students)
10 lessons of 90 minutes, a mini-group (2 students)
A total of 15 hours of classes with a teacher
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10 уроків по 60 хв у міні-групі (2 студенти)
10 lessons of 60 minutes in a mini-group (2 students)
10 lessons of 60 minutes in a mini-group (2 students)
A total of 10 hours of classes with a teacher
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Французький клуб (бесіди, кіно, пісні), 120 хвилин
French club (conversations, movies, songs), 120 minutes
Duration 2 hours
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Підготовка до іспитів французької DELF/DALF/TEFAQ (індивідуальні уроки)
Preparation for DELF/DALF/TEFAQ exams (individual lessons)
A total of 15 hours of individual lessons
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Пробний індивідуальний урок французької мови
Trial individual lesson of 60 minutes
Trial individual lesson of 60 minutes
Try it to make sure the training is effective
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Модуль «Групові уроки французької для дітей 12-16 років»
Group lessons for children 12-16 years old - Module
24 hours of group classes with a teacher
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10 індивідуальних уроків французької мови по 60 хв для дітей
10 individual lessons of 60 minutes
10 individual lessons of 60 minutes
10 hours of individual lessons with a teacher
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10 індивідуальних уроків французької по 45 хв для дітей
10 individual lessons of 45 minutes
10 individual lessons of 45 minutes
7.5 hours of individual lessons with a teacher
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Our teachers


Organizes trainings for teachers on professiona

Organizes trainings for teachers on professional development and mastering the modern methods of teaching, PhD in philology, Cambridge Delta qualified.


A very creative person, teaches French for adul

A very creative person, teaches French for adults and children, publishes educational Instagram and Facebook stories to learn the most common French words and expressions


Administrator of "Montparnasse" French courses,

Administrator of "Montparnasse" French courses, Sirush organizes educational and cultural events of the School


Has a philological education, teaches French an

Has a philological education, teaches French and English, prepares for the international exams DELF, DALF, TEFAQ. Andrii is professionally engaged in programming and he is a teacher by nature of his soul


Philologist and translator, Ivan speaks French,

Philologist and translator, Ivan speaks French, English, Arabic, and Farsi, organises conversation clubs for adults and children